Index to Craig Dremann's Photo Ecosystem Vegetation Megatransects, compiled from pictures from the project.

Compiled by Craig Dremann, (650) 325-7333, for scientific study of what continent-sized ecological and vegetation photo megatransect can tell us about the conditions of ecosystems on a large-scale, photos copyright by the photographers that are listed on the pages at Photos on this web page are used here with written permission from the Confluence Project.

The best index link into the Confluence project is

>>>Australia Vegetation Megatransect HERE

>>>California rainfall cross-section, from one inch to 100+ HERE

>>>Canada to Mexico Vegetation Megatransect HERE

>>>Canada to Baja Vegetation Megatransect HERE

>>>China West to East Vegetation Megatransect HERE

>>>China South to North Vegetation Megatransect HERE

>>>Europe to Africa Vegetation Megatransect HERE

>>>North Africa to India Vegetation Megatransect HERE

>>>Oman, the whole country HERE

>>>Pakistan through India Vegetation Megatransect HERE

>>>New Mexico, whole state Vegetation Megatransect HERE

>>>Saudi Arabia, whole northern part of the Kingdom HERE

>>>Saudi Arabia, whole southern part of the Kingdom HERE

>>>United States West to East Vegetation Megatransect HERE

>>>1997 California to South Dakota, 3,300 mile, mile-by-mile Vegetation Meagtransect HERE

Updated December 24, 2022 - The Reveg Edge Ecological Restoration service