BLM SUSANVILLE - Native plant workshop, requested Agenda items.

Training session with Craig Dremann, research director and co-owner of
The Reveg Edge, Box 361, Redwood City, CA 94064 (650) 325-7333

Susanville - Tuesday October 2, 2001

Agenda items requested by the participants:
Last updated September 1

1. How "local" is local for native seeds/ecotypes?

2. If you don't have local seeds, is it better to use non-local native seeds, or non-native seeds?

3. Aerial vs. drill seeding: is aerial even worth it in arid areas?

4: Upland restoration of native grasses...what works?

5: Riparian restoration.

6: Competition between native and non-natives during restoration.

7: Biologically safe weed control methods..chemical free?

8: Using native grasses/plants to replace exotics such as yellow starthistle etc.

9: Re-establishing native grasses for wildlife forage.

10: Where to get seed; the best time to plant.

11: The best way to get seeds started for the best survival rate; plugs, direct seeding etc.

12: The best way to reestablish grass species which may have been lost due to overgrazing and other land management practrices.

13: How much protection is needed from grazing livestock.

14: Using native grasses in new plantations to keep shrubs and other weedy species out.

15: Using natives in stream restoration both perennial and intermitant.

16: How successful is matting vs. mulching for seed and soil stabilization?

17: How successful is aerial seeding with respect to establishment and soil stabilization?

18: How evenly do seed mixes with grasses and shrubs distribute with aerial seeding?

19: successful to drill shrub/grass mixes all at once, or grasses separately from shrubs?


The use of native plants by public agencies has expanded in the last 15 years to include restoration for habitat for Endangered Species, for Stormwater pollution control, erosion control, fire rehab, revegation of mines and roadcuts, and for replanting in areas where exotics are being removed.

This workshop will describe some of the successful techniques that have been developed in the last few years. In the afternoon, we will be able to visit one of the pioneering test-plot sites that was set up with BLM Susanville after the 1993 native plant workshop, and one photo from those test plots will be Exercise 2 for the workshop. (For a list of previous workshops, see

9AM - Meeting in the USFS Office conference room, 2550 Riverside Dr., Susanville.
9:15 AM-10:30 AM Introductions, go through some of the Exercises on the web page at
10:30-10:45 AM - Break
10:45-12 noon -
Discuss the basics on successful reveg using local seeds.
12 noon - 1 PM - Lunch - in Susanville - paid as part of the workshop.
1 - 2:30 PM - Back to the USFS conference room for more discussions.
2:30-4 PM -
Out to the field to view the 1993/4 test plots. We will car-pool, and if anyone needs to leave earlier than 4 PM they are welcome to drive out in their own rig.

Updated December 20, 2022 - Go to The Reveg Edge website