Dremann's BASIC modified Evans & Love (1957) Toe-point grassland vegetation transect survey Location: By Date: GRASS WEEDS: Total= BROADLEAF WEEDS: Total= NATIVE GRASSES: Total= WILDFLOWERS: Total= Rocks, bare soil, gopher mounds not counted. Thatch put into category that produced it. Native grasses ____%, Wildflowers ____% Weeds _____% Dremann Native grass+wildflower Cover Score: ___0-25% Very Poor, ___26-50% Poor, ___51-75% Fair, __76-90% Good, __91-99% Excellent, __99.5+% As Good as it gets Notes grass weeds: Notes broadleaf weeds: Notes native grasses: Notes wildflowers: Dremann's BASIC modified Evans & Love (1957) Toe-point grassland vegetation transect survey Location: By Date: GRASS WEEDS: Total= BROADLEAF WEEDS: Total= NATIVE GRASSES: Total= WILDFLOWERS: Total= Rocks, bare soil, gopher mounds not counted. Thatch put into category that produced it. Native grasses ____%, Wildflowers ____% Weeds _____% Dremann Native grass+wildflower Cover Score: ___0-25% Very Poor, ___26-50% Poor, ___51-75% Fair, __76-90% Good, __91-99% Excellent, __99.5+% As Good as it gets Notes grass weeds: Notes broadleaf weeds: Notes native grasses: Notes wildflowers: